The world looks a lot different than it did 20 years ago.


Many parents wonder where to turn for advice when their parents never had to deal with anything like this.

Raise provides practical answers— from parenting experts.

Raise was developed by experts in fields including early childhood development, neuroscience, law enforcement, family studies, sociology, community psychology and more. Raise combines high quality education with targeted family challenges and goal tracking features designed to help you keep your children safe.

Have you ever asked yourself...


What are my kids really doing on their cellphones?


How much screen time is healthy?


How do I keep my kids safe from online predators and cyberbullies?

You're not alone!
Raise is here to help.


46 Minutes
The average parent spends only 46 minutes talking to their children about digital safety throughout their entire childhood.

*International survey, Kapersky, 2019

Our 5 Core Focuses

Focus #1

Nurturing Parent-Child Relationships

Raise is a free parenting app that helps families navigate the challenges of today’s digital landscape.

Research confirms that the most important thing parents can do to protect their children against risky online behavior is to strengthen their relationships with their children.
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Focus #2

Managing Screen Time Balance

Raise is a free parenting app that helps families navigate the challenges of today’s digital landscape.

Explore creative ways to balance the digital diet your child is consuming with the many valuable real-world experiences of childhood.
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Focus #3

Navigating Inappropriate Content

Raise is a free parenting app that helps families navigate the challenges of today’s digital landscape.

Consider a variety of ways to help protect and filter out what you’d rather your child not see—and just as importantly, how to help prepare them for when they do encounter age-inappropriate content.
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Focus #4

Confronting Cyberbullying

Raise is a free parenting app that helps families navigate the challenges of today’s digital landscape.

Learn how to protect your child from being victimized, and what to do if you notice signs of aggression in your child towards others.
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Focus #5

Protecting Against Online Predators

Raise is a free parenting app that helps families navigate the challenges of today’s digital landscape.

Learn to spot the warning signs that your child may be in contact with a predator, and take steps to prevent your child from being targeted.
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Become a Raise Certified Parent

Parents who complete all 5 journeys of the Raise training become Raise Certified. Here's what you'll learn.

Parent Child Relationships
Build solid, trusting relationships with your kids
Screen Time
Teach your kids how to use technology to their benefit, without letting it run their lives
Inappropriate Content
Become confident having difficult conversations when your children find something inappropriate online
Know what to do if your kids are being cyberbullied—or participating in bullying themselves
Online Predators
Gain the tools to spot key danger signs to prevent your children from being ensnared by an online predator
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Download the Raise app for free